RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1203
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: C., episcopus in archiepiscopum Tyrensem electus
text: Aug. 16. Ferentino. Pope Innocent III writes to C., episcopus in archiepiscopum Tyrensem electus, confirming the rights of the church of Tyre to tithes.
Aug. 16. Ferentino. Pope Innocent III writes to C., episcopus in archiepiscopum Tyrensem electus, confirming the rights of the church of Tyre to tithes.
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 6:224-5, no. 134
RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1203
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Abbatissa and nuns of St Mary Major of Jerusalem
institution: Saint Mary the Great
text: Aug. 14. Ferentino. Pope Innocent III confirms the construction by the abbatissa and nuns of St Mary Major of Jerusalem of a chapel in their house in Acre, funded by the queen of Jerusalem and licenced by Cardinal S. of St Praxedis, the papal legate.
Aug. 14. Ferentino. Pope Innocent III confirms the construction by the abbatissa and nuns of St Mary Major of Jerusalem of a chapel in their house in Acre, funded by the queen of Jerusalem and licenced by Cardinal S. of St Praxedis, the papal legate.
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 6:225, no. 135 (RRH no. 791a)
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1203
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Aimery of Cyprus
text: Aug. 12. Ferentino. Pope Innocent III commends the church of Tyre to King Aimery of Jerusalem, warning him to hand over tithes and other rights.
Aug. 12. Ferentino. Pope Innocent III commends the church of Tyre to King Aimery of Jerusalem, warning him to hand over tithes and other rights.
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 6:222-3, no. 132; Schabel, Bullarium 1:135-6, no. b-17
RRR: Correspondence/envoy
year: 1203
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Archbishop-elect of Tyre
text: Aug. 12. Ferentino. Pope Innocent III rebukes the archbishop-elect of Tyre, who had reached the Holy Land as a peregrinus at Christmas and had at once been elected, at the nomination of the papal legate, Cardinal S. of St Praxedis, to the archbishopric. But he had changed into another man, challenging the authority of the legate, had himself consecrated against advice and celebrated solemn Mass in full pontificals. The legate suspended him. Innocent sends the pallium to the legates, leaving it to them whether they grant it to the archbishop elect of not.
Aug. 12. Ferentino. Pope Innocent III rebukes the archbishop-elect of Tyre, who had reached the Holy Land as a peregrinus at Christmas and had at once been elected, at the nomination of the papal legate, Cardinal S. of St Praxedis, to the archbishopric. But he had changed into another man,... more
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 6:221-2, no. 131
RRR: Correspondence/envoy
year: 1203
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Cardinal Soffred of St Praxedis
text: Aug. 10. Ferentino. Pope Innocent III encourages Cardinal Soffred of St Praxedis to carry on as papal legate in ther East, in spite of the disappointments and the diversion of the [Fourth] Crusade to Constantinople. Cardinal P. of St Marcellus will be joining him.
Aug. 10. Ferentino. Pope Innocent III encourages Cardinal Soffred of St Praxedis to carry on as papal legate in ther East, in spite of the disappointments and the diversion of the [Fourth] Crusade to Constantinople. Cardinal P. of St Marcellus will be joining him.
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 6:219-20, no. 130
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1203
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Cardinal Peter of St Marcellus and Cardinal Soffred of St Praxedis, the papal legates
text: Aug. 7. Ferentino. Pope Innocent III orders his legates Cardinal S. of St Praxedis and Cardinal P. of St Marcellus to judge in the issues relating to the church of Tyre.
Aug. 7. Ferentino. Pope Innocent III orders his legates Cardinal S. of St Praxedis and Cardinal P. of St Marcellus to judge in the issues relating to the church of Tyre.
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 6:223-4, no. 133
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1203
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Canons of Tyre
institution: Saint Mark in Tyre
text: May 30. Lateran. Pope Innocent III informs the canons of Tyre that the plebanus [of the Venetian church of St Mark] has complained about them. The church of St Mark in the Venetian third part of Tyre had been granted full parochial rights [in baptismo, penitentia, sepulturis, decimationibus, benedicendia nubentibus, tenendis scolis et mulieribus] by Popes Clement III and Celestine III until the province of Jerusalem would be restored to the Christians. Innocent himself had reversed the sentence, but had ordered the archbishop of Tyre to do nothing until the papal legates arrived. He has heard how since the death of the archbishop the patriarch of Jerusalem and the canons of Tyre have challenged the position of the plebanus. Innocent orders them to desist until the legates, Cardinal Soffred of St Praxedis and Cardinal Peter of St Marcellus, arrive.
May 30. Lateran. Pope Innocent III informs the canons of Tyre that the plebanus [of the Venetian church of St Mark] has complained about them. The church of St Mark in the Venetian third part of Tyre had been granted full parochial rights [in baptismo, penitentia, sepulturis, decimationibus,... more
sources: Tafel and Thomas, Urkunden 1:425-426, no. 108 (RRH no. 791)
RRR: Correspondence/envoy
year: 1204
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Cardinal Peter of St Marcellus, the papal legate
text: Jan. 23. Anagni. Pope Innocent III congratulates Cardinal Peter on his actions as a papal legate in Cyprus and his negotiation of a treaty between the Pisans and Genoese in Acre, among whom warfare had broken out. He acknowledges Peter’s letters to him on the course of the Fourth Crusade, the state of the province of Jerusalem and the despatch of an embassy to al-‘Adil [Safadinus]. If the crusade reaches the Holy Land he should advise the pope on whether the Venetians should remain excommunicated.
Jan. 23. Anagni. Pope Innocent III congratulates Cardinal Peter on his actions as a papal legate in Cyprus and his negotiation of a treaty between the Pisans and Genoese in Acre, among whom warfare had broken out. He acknowledges Peter’s letters to him on the course of the Fourth Crusade, the state... more
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 6:353-5, no. 208 ; Schabel, Bullarium 1:137-9, no. b-19 (RRH no. 793)
RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1204
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Jan. 26. Anagni. Pope Innocent III confirms the charters and gifts made to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem by Bohemond, prince d’Antioche.
*Jan. 26. Anagni. Pope Innocent III confirms the charters and gifts made to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem by Bohemond, prince d’Antioche.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:28, no. 1185 (RRH no. 793a)
RRR: Correspondence/envoy
year: 1205
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Bishop of France
text: Jul. 10-15. Rome. St Peter’s. In a letter to the bishops of France, Pope Innocent III summarizes his knowledge of events in the Latin East. Discord between the count of Tripoli and the king of Armenia has degenerated into warfare, with the Knights Templar and the people of Antioch favouring the count and the Hospitallers of St John and the patriarch of Antioch the king. The son of Saladin, who is sultan of Aleppo, is allied to the count of Tripoli but the dominus de Nephin[o] has been in conflict with him. Saphidinus, who is overlord of Damascus, Cairo and Egypt, fears that Jerusalem may be occupied in the way Constantinople has been occupied by the Latins, and is trying to build a major coalition against the Christians.
Jul. 10-15. Rome. St Peter’s. In a letter to the bishops of France, Pope Innocent III summarizes his knowledge of events in the Latin East. Discord between the count of Tripoli and the king of Armenia has degenerated into warfare, with the Knights Templar and the people of Antioch favouring the... more
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 8:226-9, no. 126 (RRH no. 808)