RRR: Correspondence/envoy
year: 1128
initiator: Pope Honorius II
recipient: Guilielmus Tyrensis archiepiscopus
text: Jul. 8. Near Bari. Pope Honorius II confirms the consecration by Patriarch Warmund of Guilelmus as archbishop of Tyre and informs the patriarch that he is sending Guilelmus the pallium.
Jul. 8. Near Bari. Pope Honorius II confirms the consecration by Patriarch Warmund of Guilelmus as archbishop of Tyre and informs the patriarch that he is sending Guilelmus the pallium.
sources: Hiestand, PK, pp. 132-3, no. 26
year: 1182
initiator: Baldwin IV
recipient: Guilielmus Tyrensis archiepiscopus
text: Apr. 27. Jerusalem. Baldwin, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex sextus, grants under seal to Guilielmus Tyrensis archiepiscopus and his successors the tithe of all personal returns [exenii], described as presents, made throughout all the land of Toronum at Christmas, Shrove Tuesday and Easter, of chickens, eggs, cheese, ectuli and wood, together with a tithe of the besants, which the king receives customarily from carrucae liberae. The villani are to carry all the tithes given to the church to the house of the archbishop at Toronum. Nine tenths will be delivered to the king, the archbishop will have the tenth part. Witnesses: Odo Beritensis episcopus; Reimundus comes Tripolitanus; Joscelinus regis senescalcus; princeps Rainaldus; Rainaldus Sydonensis domnus; Laurentius de Franco Loco; Balduinus de Duaco. The charter was drawn up by Guillielmus Tyrensis archiepiscopus regisque cancellarius.
Apr. 27. Jerusalem. Baldwin, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex sextus, grants under seal to Guilielmus Tyrensis archiepiscopus and his successors the tithe of all personal returns [exenii], described as presents, made throughout all the land of Toronum at Christmas, Shrove... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:734-6, no. 431 (RRH no. 615)