RRR: Correspondence/envoy
year: 1191
initiator: King Richard I of England
recipient: Justicier of England
text: Aug. 6. King Richard I of England informs the justiciar of England of the course of his crusade: his seizure of Cyprus; his arrival before Acre; the capture of the city after the arrival of the king of France and himself, together with the recovery of the relic of the Holy Cross and 1700 prisoners; and the departure of the king of France 15 days later. Richard plans to return to the West once Syria is retaken. He will certainly sail during the next Lent.
Aug. 6. King Richard I of England informs the justiciar of England of the course of his crusade: his seizure of Cyprus; his arrival before Acre; the capture of the city after the arrival of the king of France and himself, together with the recovery of the relic of the Holy Cross and 1700 prisoners... more
sources: Epistolae Cantuarienses, p. 347, no. 375