year: 1184
initiator: Baldwin IV
recipient: Church and hospital of Saint Nicholas in Beirut
institution: Saint Nicholas in Beirut
text: *Jul. 15 1174 - early in 1184. King Baldwin IV gives the church and hospital of St Nicholas in Beirut an annual rent of 12 Saracen besants, to be drawn from the revenues [redditus] of the city and territory of Beirut.
*Jul. 15 1174 - early in 1184. King Baldwin IV gives the church and hospital of St Nicholas in Beirut an annual rent of 12 Saracen besants, to be drawn from the revenues [redditus] of the city and territory of Beirut.
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:754, no. 442
year: 1184
initiator: Baldwin IV
recipient: Iohannes, the brother of Roardus de Chabor
text: *Jun. 1 1175 - June 1 1184. Baldwin [Latinorum sextus rex in sancta civitate Iherusalem] gives Iohannes, the brother of Roardus de Chabor the fief [phedum] of Guido de Villa at Nablus. The charter was drawn up by Guilhelmus Tiri archiepiscopus regisque cancellarius.
*Jun. 1 1175 - June 1 1184. Baldwin [Latinorum sextus rex in sancta civitate Iherusalem] gives Iohannes, the brother of Roardus de Chabor the fief [phedum] of Guido de Villa at Nablus. The charter was drawn up by Guilhelmus Tiri archiepiscopus regisque cancellarius.
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:755-6, no. 443
year: 1184
initiator: Roger de Moulins, master of the Hospital
recipient: Bisansonus
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Dec. 25 1183 - Early Jun. 1184. [187] Acre. With the agreement of his chapter, Rogerius de Molinis sancte domus Hospitalis pauperum Christi minister leases under seal to Bisansonus the houses in Acre that Petrus Bertasia used to hold for the census of 29 besants, payable annually to the Hospital in Acre at Michaelmas. The houses are bounded by the house of Maria de Caypha, the house of the sons of the late Paganottus, the curia of Maria Bubala and the public way. Bisansonus will pay the rent of 29 besants on the same terms. He can sell, pledge or alienate the properties, except to knights [viri militares] and professed religious, but the Hospital will have preemption rights. Witnesses: frater Garnerius preceptor in Hospitali; frater Odinus baiulus in Accon; frater Girardus thesaurarius; frater Petrus Galterii; frater Hermandus castellanus Crati; frater Alebaudus castellanus Beluiderii ; frater Hugo de Qualquelia; frater Henricus de Sancto Boneto; frater Petrus de Mirmanda; frater Guillelmus de Rocha; frater Guillelmus hospitalarius Acconensis; frater Stephanus prior in Accon. It is recorded that Bisansonus, with the agreement of Rogerius de Molinis magister Hospitalis and his chapter and also of the iudices of the royal court [regale curia] bought the houses, which had been pledged to him by Petrus Bertasia, for 223 besants on the death of Petrus, retaining the money as a repayment of the debt. This was agreed by the wife of Petrus Bertasia, who came with her children to the royal court. This was witnessed in the curia regis in Acre by Gilibertus de Florio vicecomes Acconensis; and by the jurati regis, Guillelmus de Furchis; Rainaldus de Trechis; Antelmus Lucensis; Raimundus Camerarius; Bernardus de Templo; Odo de Conchis.
Dec. 25 1183 - Early Jun. 1184. [187] Acre. With the agreement of his chapter, Rogerius de Molinis sancte domus Hospitalis pauperum Christi minister leases under seal to Bisansonus the houses in Acre that Petrus Bertasia used to hold for the census of 29 besants, payable annually to the Hospital in... more
sources: Mayer, Von der Cour des Bourgeois, pp. 242-5, no. 8 (RRH no. 640)
year: 1184
initiator: Raymond III, count of Tripoli
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Early Jun. Raymond III, Dei gratia Tripolitanorum comes et sacratissime domus Hospitalis devotus confrater et amicus fidelis, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by Rogerius de Molinis Hospitalis magister. He gives the city called Chamela, with all rights he could claim to have and all its dependencies, including castelli, villi and villani, casalia and inhabitants, fiefs [in feudis et feudatis, feudum pro feudo, in hominibus et hominiis], roads and travellers [viae et viatores] and all rights of justice. The Order grants him usufruct of the dependencies of the city of Chamela and its possessions across the river for his lifetime. He confirms his earlier grant to the brothers of the Hospital of usufruct of the dependencies on [the west] side of the river. Witnesses: Joannes Tripolis episcopus; Arnaudus cantor; Guillelmus prior S. Michaelis; Guillelmus de Juncheriis canonicus; Ugo dominus Biblii; Ugo ejus filius; Raimundus de Biblio; Raimundus de Nephinis; Astafortis; Arbertus Sarramanni; Eradus; Melioretus de Marreclea; Raimundus de Montoliuo; Girardus vicecomes; Bernardus de Monetro; Ugo Sine Censu; Engelerius; Saisius; Raimundus Constantini; Johannes de Moneta; Petrus Giraudus; Raimundus Ermengaudi; Matheus cancellarius, who drew up the charter.
Early Jun. Raymond III, Dei gratia Tripolitanorum comes et sacratissime domus Hospitalis devotus confrater et amicus fidelis, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by Rogerius de Molinis Hospitalis magister. He gives the city called Chamela, with all... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:450-2, no. 676 (RRH no. 637)
year: 1184
initiator: Andreas dominus de Vitri
recipient: Hospitallers of St John of Jerusalem and the Knights Templar
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
additional institution: Templars
text: Aug. 1-31. Andreas dominus de Vitri makes his will while on pilgrimage to the Holy Land and in the army going to the aid of Cracum. He does with with the advice of the dominus Liddensis episcopus, who is representing the patriarch of Jerusalem, [188] the brothers of the Temple and the Hospital, especially frater Girardus de Rideford domus Templi senescalcus. He makes several testamentary dispositions to institutions in the West. He also gives the Hospitallers of St John of Jerusalem and the Knights Templar properties and privileges in France. He wants his companions on pilgrimage, milites and famuli, to be rewarded for their service. He appoints dominus Liddensis episcopus, dominus episcopus de Rennis, his uncle Rollandus de Dinan and dominus Mauritius de Creonia his executors and has this testament sealed with the seals of the bishop of Lydda, the Knights Templar and the Hospitallers. Witnesses: Herveus de Laheac; Petrus de la Jaille; Radulfus Aguillun; Johannes de Arberie; Galfridus Gragneard; Hervicus de Coit d’Or; Silvester; Johannes de Taslie; Rainaldus Oeline, frater Fulco de la Jaille; frater Galfridus Tyel; frater Adam de Chaurce; frater Fulco de Munt Lot; frater Nicolaus de la Curbe.
Aug. 1-31. Andreas dominus de Vitri makes his will while on pilgrimage to the Holy Land and in the army going to the aid of Cracum. He does with with the advice of the dominus Liddensis episcopus, who is representing the patriarch of Jerusalem, [188] the brothers of the Temple and the Hospital,... more
sources: Broussillon, ‘La Charte d’André’, pp. 50-3 (RRH no. 637a)
RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1184
initiator: Pope Lucius III
recipient: Oddo Beritensis episcopus
text: Sept. 5. Verona. Pope Lucius III takes Oddo Beritensis episcopus and the church of Beirut under papal protection and confirms its possessions, saving any rights the archbishop of Tyre might have. He specifies: the church of Iuuenia; the chapels of St Nicholas, St Laurence, St George, St Barbara, St Michael in mari, and St Simon; the chapel that the Maronites hold with the permission of the church of Beirut and the land next to it; the tithes of Beirut and all its territory, inhabited by Greeks, Latins and other nations; parochial rights in the city and all the diocese; a house in the city in which W., the brother of the bishop, lives; houses inhabited by W. Eraldus, M. cantor, W. Pibort, Boninus and Iocelinus; all the stationes around the bishop’s house, a house of 2 storeys [fabrice superiorem et inferiorem] with 2 stationes; 2 stationes beyond the public way; a house adjoining the house of the canons, who pay an annual census of 5 besants to the bishop; houses inhabited by Iohannes Karoe, Poteria, Maria, with a garden and a mill; 2 gardens and an oven given by the same Maria; an oven outside the church and two horse-mills [molendina equorum]; gardens in the city next to the castle, outside the walls near the castle, next to the cemetery - it is a small one - before the Turris Comitis, in front of the postern, and occupied by Girardus subdiaconus with land adjoining; Bozara and Bohadide; the land and vineyards of Meidan and there also the vineyard of Petrus de Platea, the vineyard of Mimas, the vineyard of turris Iosyane; in the same place a vineyard held by the same Petrus with his wife; the land of Massara; the land of Coshinum with the whole mountain; the land next to the wood; the vineyards and land of Iohannes Karoe; the vineyard in the ditch [below] the tomb [fovea] and the tower; the labour of 2 beasts of burden [iumenti] a day on the woodland near the city; a water mill; and from the woodland the right to necessary timber, stakes [pali] for the vineyards and wood for other uses; the casalia of Bahadun, Thesenia, Musdelia, Besamum, Aramun and Tordela with 2 gastinae, half of the casalia of Quadrum, Salamor, Bisansoim together with their villani; the gastina worked by Ieremia; and the vineyard held by Terricus diaconus.
Sept. 5. Verona. Pope Lucius III takes Oddo Beritensis episcopus and the church of Beirut under papal protection and confirms its possessions, saving any rights the archbishop of Tyre might have. He specifies: the church of Iuuenia; the chapels of St Nicholas, St Laurence, St George, St Barbara, St... more
sources: Hiestand, PK, pp. 303-5, no. 127
RRR: Chronicle entry/narrative sources
year: 1184
initiator: Willelmus Tyrensis archiepiscopus
text: Dec. 25 1183 - Sept. 29 1184? [189] Willelmus Tyrensis archiepiscopus [William of Tyre] addresses his readers in the prologue to his Chronicon.
Dec. 25 1183 - Sept. 29 1184? [189] Willelmus Tyrensis archiepiscopus [William of Tyre] addresses his readers in the prologue to his Chronicon.
sources: William of Tyre, pp. 97-101
RRR: Dispute/arbitration
year: 1184
initiator: Dominicus acontantus de confinio sancti basilii
recipient: Iacobus Dandulus de confinio sancte luce
institution: Saint Mark in Tyre
text: Oct. 1-31. Acre. Dominicus da mulino de confinio sancti gervasii and Iohanis fusculo de confinio sancte crucis record that, in their presence and in that of Manasses badovarius legatus ducis Venetorum, Dominicus acontantus de confinio sancti basilii settled a dispute with Iacobus Dandulus de confinio sancte luce over the expenses of Dominicus acontantus in relation to [the church of] St Mark of Tyre. Signatories: Dominicus da molino; Iohanis fusculo. The charter was drawn up by Stephanus fuscari presbyter et notarius.
Oct. 1-31. Acre. Dominicus da mulino de confinio sancti gervasii and Iohanis fusculo de confinio sancte crucis record that, in their presence and in that of Manasses badovarius legatus ducis Venetorum, Dominicus acontantus de confinio sancti basilii settled a dispute with Iacobus Dandulus de... more
sources: Baracchi, ‘Le Carte’, p. 338, no. 68 (RRH no. 639)
RRR: Correspondence/envoy
year: 1184
initiator: Baldwin IV
recipient: E., magister Templi A. and magister sanctae domus Hospitalis Jerusalem R.
institution: Templars
additional institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: c. Oct. King Baldwin [IV] of Jerusalem writes to Patriarch E., magister Templi A. and magister sanctae domus Hospitalis Jerusalem R, [who had left in June, [190] carrying with them the royal banner and the keys to the Tower of David, the city of Jerusalem and the Holy Sepulchre to present to the Emperor Frederick I, King Philip II of France or King Henry II of England, should one of them agree to come to the assistance of the Holy Land]. He is glad to hear from them that they have landed safely at Brindisi. He reports that c. 9 -10 July Saladin invaded the territory of Cratum and devastated the region for 3 weeks. On 31 July he penetrated the city of Cratum and, erecting 14 petraries, besieged the castle for 4 weeks. On learning of the approach of the king, he burnt his siege engines and withdrew by way of Nablus, which he devastated, while the population sought refuge in the castle. He then proceeded to Sebasten, the bishop of which redeemed his city and 80 captives, Arabia, Magnum Gerinum, Parvum Gerinum, a Templar villa, and the Hospitaller castle of Belverium, devastating the land and seizing captives as he went.
c. Oct. King Baldwin [IV] of Jerusalem writes to Patriarch E., magister Templi A. and magister sanctae domus Hospitalis Jerusalem R, [who had left in June, [190] carrying with them the royal banner and the keys to the Tower of David, the city of Jerusalem and the Holy Sepulchre to present to the... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:444-5, no 662; also ed. in Ralph of Diceto 2:27-8 (RRH no. 638)
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1184
initiator: Pope Lucius III
recipient: Patriarch of Jerusalem and patriarchate of Antioch
text: *Early Nov 1184. [191] Verona. Pope Lucius III personally orders the patriarch of Jerusalem, who is on his way to France, to resolve a dispute with the patriarchate of Antioch over the archbishoprics of Tyre and Petra [Petertensis] by either coming in person, or by sending a representative, to the papal court.
*Early Nov 1184. [191] Verona. Pope Lucius III personally orders the patriarch of Jerusalem, who is on his way to France, to resolve a dispute with the patriarchate of Antioch over the archbishoprics of Tyre and Petra [Petertensis] by either coming in person, or by sending a representative, to the... more
sources: Hiestand, PK, pp. 305-6, no. 128