year: 1201
initiator: King Leon I of Cilician Armenia
recipient: Genoese
text: Mar. 1-31. Leon, Dei gratia rex Armeniorum, filius Stephanus et de potenti genere Rupinorum, postquam divina clementia promotus sum ad regalem dignitatem et sublimatus regali corone per manus Romani Imperii, wishes to encourage the Genoese to come to his kingdom. And so he makes a grant, signed in both Armenian and Latin, to Ogerius de Pallo, representing the Genoese. He gives freedom to come and go and sell throughout his land, entering and leaving through his ports. He gives the Genoese and their goods and merchandise safe conduct thoughout his land and those of his barones, so that the Genoese are freed on their purchases and sales from all servitium, drictura, pactum, exactio, angaria tributi vectigalis. Their goods are to be safe in shipwrecks. He gives land in his cities of Sisum, Mamista and Tharsus, so that in each the Genoese may build a church, a fundum, houses and a curia, in which they will have jurisdiction over Genoese, although if a Genoese has a claim against a man of another nationality the case will be decided in the royal curia. The Genoese are held to defend the rights of the king and men [of Cilician Armenia]. The charter was drawn up by Iohannes archiepiscopus Sisensis, Trium Arcium abbas, totius regni Armenie legatus et cancellarius.
Mar. 1-31. Leon, Dei gratia rex Armeniorum, filius Stephanus et de potenti genere Rupinorum, postquam divina clementia promotus sum ad regalem dignitatem et sublimatus regali corone per manus Romani Imperii, wishes to encourage the Genoese to come to his kingdom. And so he makes a grant, signed in... more
sources: Rovere and Puncuh I Libri 1/2:164-6, no. 344 (RRH no.781)
year: 1215
initiator: King Leon I of Cilician Armenia
recipient: Genoese
text: Mar. 15. Leon, Dei gratia rex Armenie, makes a sealed grant to all who call themselves Genoese, represented by Ugo Ferrarius vicecomes Ianuensium. He gives them the right to a free court [libera curia] throughout his land, which will be managed according to the customs of Genoa and will judge all cases and offences involving Genoese, except major theft and homicide. He grants the Genoese the right to buy and sell, come and go by sea or land, without the payment of any dues [drictura et passagium], whether their ships are wrecked or arrive safely or not. Excluded from this grant are the land now held by dominus Ottho de Thabaria, [the land now held by dominus Adam de Gaston], the land called Corc held by dominus Vaharan marescalcus, and the crossing duty [passagium] payable to dominus Leo de Cabban over the river called Iahan. Leon also gives the Genoese a vicus, a church and land in the city of Tarsus, on which to build a bathhouse and oven and plant a garden.
Mar. 15. Leon, Dei gratia rex Armenie, makes a sealed grant to all who call themselves Genoese, represented by Ugo Ferrarius vicecomes Ianuensium. He gives them the right to a free court [libera curia] throughout his land, which will be managed according to the customs of Genoa and will judge all... more
sources: Rovere and Puncuh, I Libri 1/2:168-71, no. 346 (RRH no. 875)