RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1198
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Bishops of Sidon, Beirut and Biblium
text: Dec. 23. Lateran. Pope Innocent III writes to the bishops of Sidon, Beirut and Biblium [episcopus Bibliensis]. The bishop of Acre has complained that after the recovery of Acre some prelates forced those who had chosen mansiones or residentiae to surrender them, threatening ecclesiastical sanctions. They did not then render their dues. The pope condemns this infringement of the ordinary jurisdiction of the bishop of Acre. The bishops are to enforce this and to see that tithes are paid.
Dec. 23. Lateran. Pope Innocent III writes to the bishops of Sidon, Beirut and Biblium [episcopus Bibliensis]. The bishop of Acre has complained that after the recovery of Acre some prelates forced those who had chosen mansiones or residentiae to surrender them, threatening ecclesiastical sanctions... more
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 1:750-1, no. 516