RRR: Correspondence/envoy
year: 1204
initiator: A., Nazarenus archiepiscopus
recipient: All Christians
text: c. June. [278] A., Nazarenus archiepiscopus writes a general letter to all Christians, including all crusaders. He expatiates on the loss of the Holy Land, particularly Jerusalem, to the pagani/Agareni. He encourages his readers to fight to recover the Holy Land, and to take the cross, following the example of Count Baldwin of Flanders and his companions, who have taken Constantinople, or, if they are unsuitable, to give alms. On the authority of the pope, he offers a plenary indulgence. He calls for the liberation of the church of Nazareth.
c. June. [278] A., Nazarenus archiepiscopus writes a general letter to all Christians, including all crusaders. He expatiates on the loss of the Holy Land, particularly Jerusalem, to the pagani/Agareni. He encourages his readers to fight to recover the Holy Land, and to take the cross, following... more
sources: Röhricht, ‘Amalrich I’, pp. 489-91, no 5 (RRH no. 797)
year: 1204
initiator: Albertus de Castro Vetule
recipient: Hospitallers of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
additional institution: Templars
text: Jun. 11. Acre. Albertus de Castro Vetule, who is ill, makes a will, appointing P. de Crexello, Gauzeranus de Cartilliana and Bertrandus de S. Justo his executors. He wishes to be buried by the Hospitallers of St John of Jerusalem. Among other dispositions, he leaves properties in Iberia to the Hospitallers of St John of Jerusalem and the Knights Templar. He asks Petrus de Crescello to pay his debts in Syria from the goods he has with him. Witnesses: Petrus de Crexello; Gauzeranus de Cartilliana; Bertrandus de S. Justo; Petrus de Chaliano, scriptor Alberti de Castello Veteri, who wrote the will on his orders.
Jun. 11. Acre. Albertus de Castro Vetule, who is ill, makes a will, appointing P. de Crexello, Gauzeranus de Cartilliana and Bertrandus de S. Justo his executors. He wishes to be buried by the Hospitallers of St John of Jerusalem. Among other dispositions, he leaves properties in Iberia to the... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:41-2, no. 1197 (RRH no. 797a)
RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1204
initiator: Cardinals Soffred of St Praxedis and Peter of St Marcellus, papal legates
recipient: Albertus de Castro Vetule
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
additional institution: Templars
text: Jul. 19. Acre. Cardinal Soffred of St Praxedis and Cardinal Peter of St Marcellus, the papal legates, place on record for Philippus magister and the brothers of the Knights Templar [domus milice Templi] and Anfusus magister and the brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, that while the papal legates were in Acre they were asked by the Knights Templar Petri de Manaia magnus preceptor, Willelmus de Ardilleriis marescallus, Robbertus de Chamvill[er] preceptor domus Acconie and Willelmus de Turre, and by the Hospitallers of St John of Jerusalem, Albertus Romanus marescalcus, Warinus de Monte Acuto, Fulco Bremundus and Petrus de Campinoll[es], to confirm the will of Albertus de Castello Veteri [of 11 June]. They authenticate and confirm it. Signatories: Soffredus tituli sancte Praxedis presbiter cardinalis, apostolice sedis legatus; Petrus tituli sancti Marcelli presbiter cardinalis, apostolice sedis legatus; Petrus Cesariensis archiepiscopus; Sychardus Cremonensis episcopus. Witnesses: Gervasius abbas Montis Oliveti; Radulfus Tyrensis archidiaconus; Ivo canonicus S. Sepulcri; Joseph S. Sepulcri canonicus.
Jul. 19. Acre. Cardinal Soffred of St Praxedis and Cardinal Peter of St Marcellus, the papal legates, place on record for Philippus magister and the brothers of the Knights Templar [domus milice Templi] and Anfusus magister and the brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, that while the... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:41-2, no. 1197 (RRH no. 797a)
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1204
initiator: Aimery of Cyprus
recipient: Canons of the Holy Sepulchre
institution: Holy Sepulchre
text: *Summer or autumn. King Aimery of Jerusalem agrees to the postulation by the canons of the Holy Sepulchre of Bishop Albert of Vercelli as the new patriarch of Jerusalem.
*Summer or autumn. King Aimery of Jerusalem agrees to the postulation by the canons of the Holy Sepulchre of Bishop Albert of Vercelli as the new patriarch of Jerusalem.
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 7:394, no. 222; Mayer, UKJ 2:1011-12, no. 623
RRR: Correspondence/envoy
year: 1204
initiator: King Leon I of Cilician Armenia
recipient: Pope Innocent III
institution: Templars
text: Sept.- Oct. Leon, per Dei et R. imperatoris gratiam rex Armeniorum, complains to Pope Innocent III about Cardinal Peter of St Marcellus. With the catholicos, his barones and many noble crusaders [peregrini], Leon had received the cardinal, who had come as papal legate to bring peace between his nephew and the count of Tripoli, the usurper of the principality of Antioch. After the catholicos had repeated his promises as a primate with respect to the Holy See, the discussion turned, in the absence of Cardinal Soffred who was in Acre, to the dispute over Antioch. Leon appealed to Cardinal Peter as legate, citing as witnesses the patriarch of Antioch, the Hospitallers of St John, the Knights Templar and the religious of Nigra Montana. But he discovered that Cardinal Peter had made a private arrangement with the count of Tripoli, the Templars and the citizens of Antioch. Leon went to Antioch to treat for peace, but the count of Tripoli failed to attend the meeting. Before the cardinal’s arrival, Leon and his forces had entered Antioch by force on the eve of the start of Advent, but the patriarch of Antioch intervened and the Templars, who were alllied to the count of Tripoli and the sultan of Aleppo, raising their vexillum Balzanum, had fortified the city towers and had attacked the Armenian forces in and outside the city. Leon had responded by confiscating all Templar possessions in his kingdom. Cardinal Peter ordered him to restore the Templar properties, but Leon demanded the Templars withdraw their opposition to his nephew. Without the agreement of Cardinal Soffred, Peter then summoned a council and imposed an interdict on Cilician Armenia. The catholicos J. and his suffragans refused to enforce this, on the grounds that the catholicos had not been involved, and appealed to the Holy See. At the demand of the cardinals, King Aimery of Jerusalem and Cyprus and all the noble crusaders [peregrini], Leon sent his relation Constantius de Camardesio to Acre in September to negotiate peace with the Templars. Leon asks Pope Innocent to order the Templars to cease their hostility. The Hospitallers and other religious are not hostile.
Sept.- Oct. Leon, per Dei et R. imperatoris gratiam rex Armeniorum, complains to Pope Innocent III about Cardinal Peter of St Marcellus. With the catholicos, his barones and many noble crusaders [peregrini], Leon had received the cardinal, who had come as papal legate to bring peace between his... more
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 8:211-17, no. 120 (RRH no. 795)
RRR: Correspondence/envoy
year: 1204
initiator: Johannes, the catholicos of the Armenians
recipient: Pope Innocent III
institution: Templars
text: Sept. - Oct. Joh[ann]es, the catholicos of the Armenians, writes to Pope Innocent III. After professing his readiness to abide by all his obligations as primate, Joannes complains about Cardinal Peter, who is allied to the Knights Templar in the dispute over the succession to Antioch and at a council he held in Antioch imposed an interdict on Cilician Armenia, without the agreement of the catholicos. Joannes reports that at the intervention of Cardinal Soffred a meeting was arranged in Acre in September to settle the dispute between King Leon and the Templars, whose behaviour has been pernicious.
Sept. - Oct. Joh[ann]es, the catholicos of the Armenians, writes to Pope Innocent III. After professing his readiness to abide by all his obligations as primate, Joannes complains about Cardinal Peter, who is allied to the Knights Templar in the dispute over the succession to Antioch and at a... more
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 8:217-20, no. 121 (RRH no. 795)
RRR: Correspondence/envoy
year: 1204
initiator: King Leon I of Cilician Armenia
recipient: Pope Innocent III
text: Oct.- Nov. Leon, per Dei et Romani imperii gratiam rex Armeniorum, complains to Pope Innocent III about Cardinal Peter of St Marcellus the papal legate and his treatment of his dispute with the count of Tripoli. He has already described Peter as being openly his adversary. Peter has forbidden him to fight, in spite of the fact that the citizens of Antioch and the Templars are in alliance with the pagani to burn his tuguria of Gastum, and the count has seized Antioch against the orders of Cardinal Soffred. A meeting between King Aimery of Jerusalem, the comitissa Flandriae, the magistri of the Knights Templar and the Hospitallers of St John and the noble peregrini decided to proceed against any party that refused to be subject to the judgement of the cardinals. The dominus Cremonen. was sent to transmit this decision to the parties. Leon had delegated C. de Camardesio, his relative, to convey Leon’s agreement. The count of Tripoli did not arrive on the appointed day, did not excuse himself and refused to abide by the judgement, but Cardinal Peter, refusing to listen to Cardianal Soffred’s advice, did not give Leon justice. Leon, therefore, asks for new judge delegates, referring to the patriarch of Antioch, Cardinal Soffred, King Aimery of Jerusalem and the magister of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem.
Oct.- Nov. Leon, per Dei et Romani imperii gratiam rex Armeniorum, complains to Pope Innocent III about Cardinal Peter of St Marcellus the papal legate and his treatment of his dispute with the count of Tripoli. He has already described Peter as being openly his adversary. Peter has forbidden him... more
sources: Maleczek, Petrus, pp. 302-5 (RRH no. 798)
RRR: Chronicle entry/narrative sources
year: 1204
initiator: Cardinals Soffred of St Praxedis and Peter of St Marcellus, papal legates
recipient: Pope Innocent III
text: Late Autumn. [279] The papal legates, Cardinal Soffredus of St Praxedis and Cardinal Peter of St Marcellus, report on their mission to Pope Innocent III. (1) Soffred begins the account. When he reached Acre there was a truce with the Sarraceni, but there was warfare between the king of Armenia and the count of Tripoli and the citizens of Antioch, because, it was said, the count had unjustly occupied Antioch and expelled the nobles, who refused fealty on the grounds of their support of the other heir by primogeniture [Raymond Rupin]. Soffred took counsel often with the magistri of the Knights Templar and the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and made for Antioch, warning the count of Tripoli and the citizens of Antioch that he was on his way and asking them to send representatives to meet him. He reached Tripoli on Martinmas, but no one responded to his summons or replied to his letters. Remaining in Tripoli, because sailing was hard in winter, he sent to each side the bishops of Tortosa [Anteradensis] and Bethlehem. On the Feast of the Purification the prince of Tripoli [Bohemond] arrived, but only to settle his own affairs and not in response to the summons, because he objected to having been excommunicated by the patriarchs of Jerusalem and Antioch, and other bishops. By Passion Sunday negotiations between him and the Hospitallers of St John, on whose behalf he had been excommunicated, had broken down. Exhausted, Soffred returned to Acre, which was expecting a fleet [of crusaders] from the West. The French nobles, the king of Jerusalem, the magister of the Temple and others persuaded Soffred to sail to the port of Antioch. With him went the magister of the Temple, the generalis praeceptor of the Hospital, Stephanus de Pertico, comes Moncia de Hungaria and an emissary of the marquess of Montferrat. Soffred met the king of Armenia and waited with him for 9 days for the arrival of the king of Jerusalem. Leon denied the right of the legates and papal authority in this matter. Meanwhile the prince had not responded to the appeals. The king of Armenia promised to raise 20000 armed men in the service of Christianity if his nephew’s rights were recognized. Frustrated, Soffred went to Margatum. While he was there Cardinal Peter reached Cyprus and then Acre, before travelling to Antioch and Cilician Armenia. (2) Cardinal Peter continues the account. He called many times for the parties - the king of Armenia, the count or prince of Tripoli, and the citizens of Antioch - to resolve their differences according to the terms already laid down by Soffred. Leon refused to negotiate before [Bohemond] had been expelled from Antioch. He wanted the legates to have custody of his nephew. Peter was unable in law to agree and, on the advice of the patriarch of Antioch, the archiepiscopus Borsensis/Tharsensis, the bishops, chapters and abbots of the province of Antioch, dominus [episcopus] Cremonensis and others who were with him, forbade the waging of war and repeated that he was ready to give justice to both sides. Soffred, who had returned to Acre, urged Peter to collaborate with the countess of Flanders and other crusaders [peregrini] to negotiate peace. After a discussion with the king of Jerusalem, the Knights Templar, the Hospitallers of St John and the noble crusaders [peregrini], Peter summoned all sides to submit to his judgement. His letters were carried by the king of Jerusalem, the barones peregrini [leading crusaders] and the episcopus Cremonensis, threatening the parties with excommunication. The king of Armenia offered a truce of 40 days, but the other side would not accept this. The king also agreed to submit to the legates’ judgement on the dispute he had with the Templars, on account of which his land had been placed under an interdict, but he did not send a satisfactory answer. The count of Tripoli did not come or send anyone because of his objection to excommunication. The bishop of Tripoli, most of his canons and a notary of the count came but gave no reasonable excuse. Peter had to leave for Constantinople. Soffred appointed as judge delegates in Peter’s place, Caesariensis archiepiscopus, episcopus Cremonensis and the Acconensis electus, while at the same time recognizing, along with the king of Jerusalem, the Knights Templar, the Hospitallers of St John, the barones, the crusaders [peregrini] who had come to Acre, that his mission had failed.
Late Autumn. [279] The papal legates, Cardinal Soffredus of St Praxedis and Cardinal Peter of St Marcellus, report on their mission to Pope Innocent III. (1) Soffred begins the account. When he reached Acre there was a truce with the Sarraceni, but there was warfare between the king of Armenia and... more
sources: ‘Gesta Inocentii’, cols. cli-clix (RRH no. 794)
year: 1204
initiator: Bohemond IV, prince of Antioch and count of Tripoli
recipient: Guido Dominus de Biblio
text: Dec. 25 1203 - Dec. 24 1204. Tripoli. [280] Bohemond [IV], son of Prince Bohemond, per Dei gratiam Princeps Antiochie et Comes Tripolis makes a sealed grant to Guido Dominus de Biblio on the occasion of the marriage of Bohemond’s sister Aalis. He gives an assisa of 1000 besants, freed from service [servicium] and payable annually [from the revenues from] the land of Latakia or Saonia, when Latakia or Saonia come back into his hands, or a casale in the territory of Latakia or that of Saonia, having annual returns of 1000 besants on which he and Guido are agreed [ad suum et meum Craantum]. He also gives Guido for the marriage of his sister houses at Latakia that belonged to Count R. of Tripoli, his predecessor, freed from service. Witnesses: Raimundus de Biblio; Bertrandus de Biblio; Villelmus de Biblio; Raimundus de Scandelione; Guido de Ham Comestabularius Tripolis; Pieban dominus de Botne; Manselmus; Johannes …; The charter was drawn up by Magister Johannes de Borbonio.
Dec. 25 1203 - Dec. 24 1204. Tripoli. [280] Bohemond [IV], son of Prince Bohemond, per Dei gratiam Princeps Antiochie et Comes Tripolis makes a sealed grant to Guido Dominus de Biblio on the occasion of the marriage of Bohemond’s sister Aalis. He gives an assisa of 1000 besants, freed from... more
sources: Paoli, Cod dipl 1:103, no. 98; also incorporated in Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:135, no. 1372 (RRH no. 799)
year: 1204
initiator: Girardus de Ham constabularius Tripolis and his wife Maria
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Dec. 25-31 1203 or Dec. 1-24 1204. [281] Girardus de Ham constabularius Tripolis and his wife Maria sell to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by Alphonsus magister, all his honor of Tuban for 2100 Saracen besants, together with a samite cloth (samitum) for Maria. Eschiva, daughter of the said domina Maria and dominus Willelmus de Tabaria, and Agnes, daughter of dominus Girardus de Ham and his wife domina Maria, record their assent. The charter is sealed with the seals of Girardus de Ham, with the consent of his wife Maria, G. episcopus Tripolitanus and Philippus de Plaisseiz domus milicie Templi magister. Witnesses: G. episcopus Tripolitanus; Philippus de Plaisseiz domus milicie Templi magister; Terricus Sydonensis electus; Iterius Tripolitanus thesaurarius; Fulco magister scolarum Cenomanensis ecclesie; of the Knights Templar, frater Humbertus; frater Brunus; frater Anselmus; frater Albertinus; of the Hospitallers of St John, frater Jofridus castellanus Crati; frater Bertrandus de Avignon; frater Pontius Berengarius; frater Raimundus de Peiragorc preceptor Tripolis; frater R. de Ponte; frater Willelmus Niger; frater Sansius; frater Guarrinus de Monte Acuto; frater Simon; of laymen, dominus Raimundus [Bohemondus] princeps Antiochie et comes Tripolis; Willelmus Porcelet; Petrus Saraman; Mansellus de Buisserra; Raimundus de Clapers; Berengarius filius ejus; Garinus de Suine; Bertrandus Vicecomes; Willelmus de Chaumont.
Dec. 25-31 1203 or Dec. 1-24 1204. [281] Girardus de Ham constabularius Tripolis and his wife Maria sell to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by Alphonsus magister, all his honor of Tuban for 2100 Saracen besants, together with a samite cloth (samitum) for Maria. Eschiva, daughter... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:42-3, no. 1198 (RRH no. 800)