RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1244
initiator: Pope Innocent IV
recipient: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: [Feb. 13. Lateran. Pope Innocent IV states that the clergy of the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans should wear white habits. And because so few of them know the office of the church of the Holy Sepulchre, which has been their liturgy, he permits them to celebrate according to the office of the Dominicans.
[Feb. 13. Lateran. Pope Innocent IV states that the clergy of the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans should wear white habits. And because so few of them know the office of the church of the Holy Sepulchre, which has been their liturgy, he permits them to celebrate according to the office of the... more
sources: Innocent IV, Les Registres 1:82-3, no. 461. Calendar entry].
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1244
initiator: Pope Innocent IV
recipient: Patriarch of Jerusalem
text: Feb. 3. Lateran. Pope Innocent IV assures the patriarch of Jerusalem that [his provision] to the office of archbishop of Nazareth will in no way prejudice the rights of the church of Jerusalem.
Feb. 3. Lateran. Pope Innocent IV assures the patriarch of Jerusalem that [his provision] to the office of archbishop of Nazareth will in no way prejudice the rights of the church of Jerusalem.
sources: Innocent IV, Les Registres 1:82, no. 459
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1244
initiator: Pope Innocent IV
recipient: Bohemond V, prince of Antioch and count of Tripoli
text: Jan. 28. Lateran. At the request of the prince-count of Antioch-Tripoli, Pope Innocent IV assures him that no papal delegate or sub-delegate may excommunicate him or his wife or lay an interdict on his lands without a special mandate from the Holy See.
Jan. 28. Lateran. At the request of the prince-count of Antioch-Tripoli, Pope Innocent IV assures him that no papal delegate or sub-delegate may excommunicate him or his wife or lay an interdict on his lands without a special mandate from the Holy See.
sources: Innocent IV, Les Registres 1:75, no. 418
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1244
initiator: Pope Innocent IV
recipient: Magister and brothers of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: [Dec. 23. Lyon. Writing to the magister and brothers, Pope Innocent IV protects the role of alms-collectors for the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem.
[Dec. 23. Lyon. Writing to the magister and brothers, Pope Innocent IV protects the role of alms-collectors for the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem.
sources: Innocent IV, Les Registres 1:141-2, no. 844. Calendar entry].