RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1212
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Bishop of Acre
institution: Saint Thomas the Martyr
text: Oct. 25. Lateran. Pope Innocent III records that Pope Alexander III had given the late Simon prior Sancto Georgii de Xisto the right to use the [episcopal] ring, staff and mitre. St George was later subjected to the church of St Thomas the Martyr in Acre, so that the right was enjoyed by whomsoever was prior. This was confirmed by Innocent himself. The bishop of Acre had questioned this extension of the privilege and the case was heard in the Holy See. Innocent upholds the bishop’s complaint. There must be no extension of the original privilege.
Oct. 25. Lateran. Pope Innocent III records that Pope Alexander III had given the late Simon prior Sancto Georgii de Xisto the right to use the [episcopal] ring, staff and mitre. St George was later subjected to the church of St Thomas the Martyr in Acre, so that the right was enjoyed by whomsoever... more
sources: Innocent III, ‘Register’ 216:706-7, no. 185
RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1236
initiator: Pope Gregory IX
recipient: Domus Hospitalis Sancti Thome martiris Acconensis
institution: Saint Thomas the Martyr
text: Feb. 5. Viterbo. The domus Hospitalis Sancti Thome martiris Acconensis had been founded in Acre by an eleemosynary grant of King Richard I of England, but the king died before its house could be adequately established and the canons had been reduced to a sad state, living under the Rule of the Hospital of St Mary of Germans. Writing to the magister and brothers, Pope Gregory IX confirms the actions of the bishop of Winchester who, with the advice of the patriarch of Jerusalem and albeit illegitimately, found a better residence for the canons and reformed their way of life.
Feb. 5. Viterbo. The domus Hospitalis Sancti Thome martiris Acconensis had been founded in Acre by an eleemosynary grant of King Richard I of England, but the king died before its house could be adequately established and the canons had been reduced to a sad state, living under the Rule of the... more
sources: Gregory IX, Les Registres 2:254, no. 2944
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1236
initiator: Pope Gregory IX
recipient: Magister and brothers of the hospitale Sancti Thomae martyris Acconensis
institution: Saint Thomas the Martyr
text: [Mar. 6. Viterbo. Because of the scandal caused in the similarity with the Knights Templar of the crosses worn, Pope Gregory IX orders the magister and brothers of the hospitale Sancti Thomae martyris Acconensis to wear crosses coloured both white and red, and to remove a sign of the bishop’s staff that had been attached. Their milites are to wear black mantles and their clerks and conversi rose-coloured surcoats [camelini].
[Mar. 6. Viterbo. Because of the scandal caused in the similarity with the Knights Templar of the crosses worn, Pope Gregory IX orders the magister and brothers of the hospitale Sancti Thomae martyris Acconensis to wear crosses coloured both white and red, and to remove a sign of the bishop’s staff... more
sources: Gregory IX, Les Registres 2:282, no. 3005. Calendar entry].