year: 1167
initiator: Bertrandus de Blancfort, master of the Temple
recipient: Otho comes palatinus maior
institution: Templars
text: Apr. 27. Bertrandus milicie temple magister, with the agreement of his chapter, makes a sealed sale of property in Bavaria to otho comes palatinus maior. The transfer is made into the hands of fridericus palatinus comes, Otho’s brother, on condition that he faithfully serves Otho. Witnesses: frater W. de guirchia; frater Walterius de berito; frater hugo de corbuil; frater petrus bellus occulus; frater Bonifatius lonbardie preceptor, who made the sale at the orders of the magister and chapter; of secular witnesses, Dux welpho de rabenspurch; herman de ramunge ministerialis suus; Trageboto de moringen; perhtolt de cella; Rudolf tileman; Rogerius de Ezemansmitte ioculator; of the homines of Welpho, henricus burchgravius ratisponensis; Rogerius de chadolsdorf; hartwit de hergesingen; Wernher de lugeperch; henricus maare; Coonrat spisarius; of the homines of the burggraf, Hademar de ahebusen; Reinboto de mosebach; Chuno de hovedorf; Wilehart de trune; Rudof de milenhoven; herrant de ergoltingen et walchon skiche; hartwicus de altheim; perhtolt de aha; Uto de starcholsthoven; Heinricus de emphembach; Osericus de valchenberch; homo suus heltvolch de emmendorf; Heinricus parvus de phefenhusen; Sifrit de wartemperch; Godefridus eitersteim; Ekehart de lengendorf; frater suus ulritus; Willebolt de gisebac; Wernher skerio de northoven; Meingoz de cheminaten; harman de schillinges vist pernhart de gredingen; Tageno de othmarshart; Rogerius de linthahe iunior; Conrat athare; Conrat ploch de dornburch; Fridericus de rohelingen; Sagelin ioculator; ernestus de lirendorf; sibant de arbenhoven; hartwic clachel; iunior gotefridus suevus; Wezilo de ardingen; merboto de ebes.
Apr. 27. Bertrandus milicie temple magister, with the agreement of his chapter, makes a sealed sale of property in Bavaria to otho comes palatinus maior. The transfer is made into the hands of fridericus palatinus comes, Otho’s brother, on condition that he faithfully serves Otho. Witnesses: frater... more
sources: Grauert, ‘Eine Tempelherrenurkunde’, pp. 294-5. [109] (RRH no. 446)