year: 1253
text: . *October 29. Genoa. Niccolino Spinola names as his procurator his father Niccolò, empowering him to manage his Cypriot possessions and the prebend he has in the church of Limassol, and to take possession of the prebend that Niccolino hopes to receive from Pope Innocent IV in the cathedral of Tripoli.
. *October 29. Genoa. Niccolino Spinola names as his procurator his father Niccolò, empowering him to manage his Cypriot possessions and the prebend he has in the church of Limassol, and to take possession of the prebend that Niccolino hopes to receive from Pope Innocent IV in the cathedral of... more
sources: Ferretto, ‘I Genovesi in Oriente nel carteggio di Innocenzo IV’, p. 366, no. LVI
year: 1253
text: . October 1-31. Nicosia. Henry, by the grace of God king of Cyprus (par la grace de Deu rei de Cypre) et segnor dou reaume de Jerusalem, confirms under seal for John of Ibelin (Johan d’Ibelin) segnor de Baruth and his heirs the fief (fié) Henry had given to Johan’s father, the late Balian of Ibelin (d’Ybelin) segnor de Baruth, as a supplement to his fié of Baruth. The grant consisted of the following casaux or prestries: Casal Ymbert, le Fierge, le Quiebre, la Sebeque, Jasson, la Guille, Quafrenebit, la Meserefe, Douheyrap, Bene, Samah, la Gabasie and their appurtenances, including vileins and vileines and their children. Johan and his heirs will owe the same homage and servise as is owed for the fié de Baruth. Guarantors: of the homes of the reaume de Cyprus (Cypre), Bertheleme dou Morf; Phelippe de Nouaire; Galter Quelbe Arab; Gautier L’Anne.
. October 1-31. Nicosia. Henry, by the grace of God king of Cyprus (par la grace de Deu rei de Cypre) et segnor dou reaume de Jerusalem, confirms under seal for John of Ibelin (Johan d’Ibelin) segnor de Baruth and his heirs the fief (fié) Henry had given to Johan’s father, the late Balian of Ibelin... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 3:1396-1400, no. 802; RRH 1208
year: 1253
text: . *November 1. Summary of what appears to have been a letter sent to Richard of Cornwall. The sultan, contrary to his oaths of alliance, has occupied most of the Christian territory and threatened Acre where he has destroyed the mills. The plan was to capture the king of France and present him to the caliph.
. *November 1. Summary of what appears to have been a letter sent to Richard of Cornwall. The sultan, contrary to his oaths of alliance, has occupied most of the Christian territory and threatened Acre where he has destroyed the mills. The plan was to capture the king of France and present him to... more
sources: Matthew Paris, Chronica maiora, 5:411
year: 1253
text: . December 5. The Lateran. Pope Innocent IV writes to [the bishop of Tripoli], relating that, ‘since what constant labour of studying has impressed on a man’s memory easily disappears, it should be strengthened with frequent repetition. Inclined by the prayers of your devotion,’ the pope grants that ‘in studying and teaching in your room you may licitly read some legal books,’ notwithstanding the contrary constitution of Pope H[onorius III].
. December 5. The Lateran. Pope Innocent IV writes to [the bishop of Tripoli], relating that, ‘since what constant labour of studying has impressed on a man’s memory easily disappears, it should be strengthened with frequent repetition. Inclined by the prayers of your devotion,’ the pope grants... more
sources: ASV, Reg. Vat. 23, f. 35v, no. 287.7; Innocent IV, Les registres, 3:340, no. 7116
year: 1253
text: . December 7. The Lateran. Owing to his devotion, Pope Innocent IV writes to the [bishop of Tripoli], granting that against the addressee’s will no one can be provided with posts, ranks or ecclesiastical benefices (de personatibus vel dignitatibus seu beneficiis ecclesiasticis) pertaining to his collation through a papal or legatine letter via which no one acquires that right, nor can he be forced to provide anyone with them, unless the letter quotes this indulgence verbatim and in full and mentions his name.
. December 7. The Lateran. Owing to his devotion, Pope Innocent IV writes to the [bishop of Tripoli], granting that against the addressee’s will no one can be provided with posts, ranks or ecclesiastical benefices (de personatibus vel dignitatibus seu beneficiis ecclesiasticis) pertaining to his... more
sources: ASV, Reg. Vat. 23, f. 35v, no. 287.6; Innocent IV, Les registres, 3:340, no. 7115
year: 1253
text: . December 7. The Lateran. Pope Innocent IV names as conservator for the above (RRR 2944) the bishop of Tortosa (Tartus).
. December 7. The Lateran. Pope Innocent IV names as conservator for the above (RRR 2944) the bishop of Tortosa (Tartus).
sources: ASV, Reg. Vat. 23, f. 35v, no. 287.6; Innocent IV, Les registres, 3:340, no. 7115
year: 1253
text: . *December 22. Genoa. Ideto de Camilla, canon of Nicosia cathedral, appoints as his procurators his father Angelino and his uncle Guglielmino Camilla to collect on his behalf the possession of the benefice in Nicosia cathedral conferred by Innocent IV.
. *December 22. Genoa. Ideto de Camilla, canon of Nicosia cathedral, appoints as his procurators his father Angelino and his uncle Guglielmino Camilla to collect on his behalf the possession of the benefice in Nicosia cathedral conferred by Innocent IV.
sources: Ferretto, ‘I Genovesi in Oriente nel carteggio di Innocenzo IV’, p. 366, no. LVII
year: 1253
text: . December 22. Acre. In the presence of the burgess court of Acre (curia burgesie Acconensi), that is to say dominus Iohannes Grifus vicecomes Acconensis, dominus Alardus, dominus Iohannes Phylippus, dominus Raimundus Odonis, iurati of the court, and Aliottus, iudex et notarius publicus, Nicola de Arcu, the son of the late Leo de Randazio, a citizen (civis) of Acre who [although not Genoese] identifies himself with the Genoese (se retinet pro Ianuensi) and appreciates the many acts of charity with which the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem comforts the poor, makes an eleemosynary to the Hospital of St John, represented by frater Hugo Revel magnus preceptor of the Hospital in Acre. Nicola gives the house called the domus de Epee, situated in Acre before the church of the Hospital on the western side, with its ground and building, and rights of entry and exit. To the east is the road that runs between the church and the house. To the north is a road that runs between the house and houses of the Hospital of St John. To the west is a house belonging to the Knights Templar (or the Templum Domini), which used to belong to the dominus Arsurii. To the south are the house that belonged to Symon Hugonis, who was the doctor (medicus) of magister Iohannes, and the houses of Petrus Saporitus and Bernardus de sancto Thoma. In return, the magnus preceptor allows Nicola to live in the house for the rest of his life, on payment of a rent of 1 denarius. Witnesses: frater Iohannes de Mallienc; frater Petrus de Ueteri Brida de Hospitali; frater Petrus de Fuce; frater Iohannes Sallimbene. At the request of the magnus preceptor and Nicola, the charter was written by Aliottus Uguicionis imperiali auctoritate iudex et notarius publicus.
. December 22. Acre. In the presence of the burgess court of Acre (curia burgesie Acconensi), that is to say dominus Iohannes Grifus vicecomes Acconensis, dominus Alardus, dominus Iohannes Phylippus, dominus Raimundus Odonis, iurati of the court, and Aliottus, iudex et notarius publicus, Nicola de... more
sources: Mayer, Von der Cour des Bourgeois, pp. 251-55, no. 11; RRH 1209
year: 1254
text: . *December 1 – 31. John l’Aleman (Jean Laleman), lord of Caesarea, with the agreement of Marguerite his wife, sells to William of Chastel Neuf (Guillaume de Châteauneuf) master of the Hospitallers, represented by Joseph de Cauci, treasurer, the casal of Damor on the plain of Acre for 12,000 besants. To the east is the Hospitallers’ casal of Cabor; to the west the Hospitaller-owned Toron dame Joiette, to the north Broet, another Hospitaller property, and to the south the Templar casal of Careblier and Tatura. In the case of non-delivery, John l’Aleman (Laleman) binds himself to pay 16,000 besants secured on his casal of Cafresur, which adjoined on the east by his casal of Socque, on the west by his casal of Caco, to the south his casal of Turrarme and the archbishop of Caesarea’s Casal Neuf, to the north by Iheure belonging to Isambert. Witnesses: Hamié Laleman, Guillaume de Pinqueigni, Gautier de Chastillon, Symon de Treies, Elye Charles, Amauri de Saint (Ber)tin, [...] Jehan Hoquete.
. *December 1 – 31. John l’Aleman (Jean Laleman), lord of Caesarea, with the agreement of Marguerite his wife, sells to William of Chastel Neuf (Guillaume de Châteauneuf) master of the Hospitallers, represented by Joseph de Cauci, treasurer, the casal of Damor on the plain of Acre for 12,000... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp, p. 184 no. 80; RRH 1210
year: 1254
text: . January 3. Lateran. Pope Innocent IV writes to Egidius,* former bishop of Damietta (Damiatensis), relating that since, as his petition to the pope made known, he is unable to carry out his duties in spiritual and temporal affairs in the church of Damietta (Damiatensis), as it is miserably occupied by the Saracens, the pope bends to his entreaties and accepts his resignation, which he sent to the Apostolic See through the nuncios of King [Louis IX] of France, absolves him of his ties to that church, while keeping the honour of his episcopal rank, and grants that he can accept licitly an ecclesiastical benefice if one is offered to him canonically, lest the authority of such honour be tainted.
. January 3. Lateran. Pope Innocent IV writes to Egidius,* former bishop of Damietta (Damiatensis), relating that since, as his petition to the pope made known, he is unable to carry out his duties in spiritual and temporal affairs in the church of Damietta (Damiatensis), as it is miserably... more
sources: Innocent IV, Les registres, no. 7167