year: 1258
text: June 6/7. Viterbo. The Genoese ambassadors at the papal court report to the podestà, the captain of the people and the anciani on the progress of peace negotiations with Venice and Pisa. They report inter alia (p. 117) that, three or four days after the letter arrived about the barons who had sworn to side with the Genoese, they learnt that the barons had made fealty to the queen of Cyprus and her son (Hugh II); they understand that the queen has the whole land and all the barons obey her as has been reported to the Venetians, ‘sicut dicunt’.
June 6/7. Viterbo. The Genoese ambassadors at the papal court report to the podestà, the captain of the people and the anciani on the progress of peace negotiations with Venice and Pisa. They report inter alia (p. 117) that, three or four days after the letter arrived about the barons who had sworn... more
sources: Musarra, ‘Un’inedita corrispondenza’, doc. 3, pp. 115-17
year: 1258
text: June 11. Juliens seignor de Seete et de Biafort confirms under seal the lease by Jehan de Schuf of 2 fiefs to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans (see 1-30 November 1256, RRR 3172).
June 11. Juliens seignor de Seete et de Biafort confirms under seal the lease by Jehan de Schuf of 2 fiefs to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans (see 1-30 November 1256, RRR 3172).
sources: Strehlke, Tabulae, pp. 97-98, no. 115; RRH 1267
year: 1258
text: June 18. Genoa. The podestà of Genoa and the captain of the people inform their ambassadors at the papal court that they are preparing to send our aid to support the Holy Land (‘succursum nostrum mittere ad subsidium Terre Sancte’) as fast as possible of up to 40 galleys ‘et tutum navigium quod habemus’.
June 18. Genoa. The podestà of Genoa and the captain of the people inform their ambassadors at the papal court that they are preparing to send our aid to support the Holy Land (‘succursum nostrum mittere ad subsidium Terre Sancte’) as fast as possible of up to 40 galleys ‘et tutum navigium quod... more
sources: Musarra, ‘Un’inedita corrispondenza’, doc. 7, p. 121; also copy of the same document: doc. 8, p. 122
year: 1258
text: Undated – end of June. [Viterbo.] The Genoese ambassadors at the papal court report to the podestà and the captain of the people that they have received their instructions saying that if the Venetians and Pisans send arms to the East, so will the Genoese. The ambassadors report the proposal that the fortifications of all three communes in Acre shall be entrusted to the Holy See while solution is achieved. There then follows description of arguments concerning the towers in Acre, with the suggestion that, if the Genoese cannot have one, the Venetians and Pisans should forgo theirs.
Undated – end of June. [Viterbo.] The Genoese ambassadors at the papal court report to the podestà and the captain of the people that they have received their instructions saying that if the Venetians and Pisans send arms to the East, so will the Genoese. The ambassadors report the proposal that... more
sources: Musarra, ‘Un’inedita corrispondenza’, doc. 9, pp. 123-26
year: 1258
text: July 6. Viterbo. Pope Alexander IV writes to the podestà, captain, council, and people of Pisa [concerning the war of St Sabas], relating with sorrow that he once heard that the hatred between them and the citizens of Genoa had grown into a destructive war, which could lead among other things to the extreme desolation of the already miserable Kingdom of Jerusalem. Thus the pope sent Archbishop [Giovanni Colonna] of Messina to them, and the Pisans sent to the curia ambassadors and nuncios with sufficient mandate to discuss the matter of the discord and war with Genoa, for the good state of the kingdom and the increase of the orthodox faith. This resulted in a papal arrangement, outlined in a public instrument. The pope asks, warns, and urges the Pisans to observe the peace with the Genoese, proclaiming the peace publicly within three days of receiving this letter. He orders that in the coming passagium in August or earlier they send via their nuncio special letters to the Pisan consuls, admirals, or captains and other Pisans in Outremer and elsewhere informing them of the arrangement, telling them that a papal legate or nuncio will be sent quickly to Outremer for solidifying the peace and settling disputes, and having them observe the peace. The pope also wants the Pisans to have their nuncios or procurators with sufficient mandate meet the legate or nuncio in the city of Acre (Acconensis) when he arrives, to discuss the peace arrangements. For this purpose, the Pisans are not to send any fleet to Outremer, and they should send quickly the pertinent papal letter with their own to the Genoese, Pisans, and Venetians living in Outremer, thus fulfilling the papal mandate.
July 6. Viterbo. Pope Alexander IV writes to the podestà, captain, council, and people of Pisa [concerning the war of St Sabas], relating with sorrow that he once heard that the hatred between them and the citizens of Genoa had grown into a destructive war, which could lead among other things to... more
sources: Calendar entry in Bourel de La Roncière, Les registres, 2:807, no. 2608; C. Rodenberg, Epistolae saeculi XIII e regestis pontificum Romanorum selectae, Berlin, 1894, 3:446-48, no. 482
year: 1258
text: September 12. Ind. II. Messina. Manfredus, king of Sicily rex, addresses the podestà, council and commune of Genoa, devotis suis. Uguezonus de Arezio, citizen of Messina, complains that, following the death of Merulus Sechininus, a Genoese citizen of Messina in Acre, Jacobus Frixonus and his colleague, the Genoese consuls in Acre, took possession of all the money that Merulus had, namely 1410 libri, and paid into the Genoese chamber although Uguicionus, procurator of Dulce, wife and heir of Merulus, with letters of the late Petrus de Calabria, our traitor (proditoris nostri) who was then acting as our vicar in Sicily, stating the money should have been given to her. Manfred requires the money to be given her. Sealed with Manfred’s seal.
September 12. Ind. II. Messina. Manfredus, king of Sicily rex, addresses the podestà, council and commune of Genoa, devotis suis. Uguezonus de Arezio, citizen of Messina, complains that, following the death of Merulus Sechininus, a Genoese citizen of Messina in Acre, Jacobus Frixonus and his... more
sources: I Libri jurium, I/4 ed. Dellacasa, no. 739, pp. 228-30; RRH 1268. Contained in a document dated April 30 1259, q.v.
year: 1258
text: *1253 x October 9 1258. Philipe de Montfort, lord of Tyre confirms the Marseillais privileges at Tyre in the presence of Gilles, archbishop of Tyre and Hugues Revel, Hospitaller grand commander.
*1253 x October 9 1258. Philipe de Montfort, lord of Tyre confirms the Marseillais privileges at Tyre in the presence of Gilles, archbishop of Tyre and Hugues Revel, Hospitaller grand commander.
sources: Ruffi, Histoire de la ville de Marseille, 1:96; RRH 1297
year: 1258
text: October 9. Acre. In the house of [the canons of the] Holy Sepulchre. At the will of their brothers and of Pope Alexander IV, Frater Thomas Berardi, domus milicie Templi magister, frater Hugo de Revel, domus hospitalis sancti Iohannis Ierosolimitani et pauperum Christi custos, and frater Anno de Sangerhusen, domus hospitalis sancte Marie Theutonicorum magister, come to a sealed agreement in relation to disputes that arise between them in the kingdoms of Jerusalem, Cyprus and Armenia, the principality of Antioch and the county of Tripoli, although not included are cases involving castles, castellanies, towns (ville) and casalia. PROCEDURE FOR RESOLUTION. If any case arises in his district, the grand commander (magnus preceptor) of an Order in the Kingdom of Jerusalem, Cyprus or Armenia, or of the land of Antioch and Tripoli, the castellanus of Cratum or Margatum, or the commander (preceptor) of Tripoli should speak to his neighbouring preceptor. If there is no resolution within a month, 1 or 2 brothers from the region should be chosen by each of the preceptores involved, who will then ask the preceptor of the third Order to appoint a brother, if it is not involved in the dispute. The 5 brothers will swear to treat the matter in good faith. These arbitrators should take a month investigating the case, and within 8 days deliver their arbitration, whether, unanimous or decided by a majority. If the preceptores cannot agree on the choice of arbitrators, they should within a month approach their masters or lieutenants to each appoint a brother to assist in the process. Some clauses deal with cases in which those chosen are unwilling or ill or involved in missions, or engage in violence. The need to defend the faith governs the approach to expenses. If a brother of the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans needs assistance with expenses, help will be provided in the Kingdom of Jerusalem, but not in the principality of Antioch, the county of Tripoli, or the Kingdom of Armenia. IMMOVEABLES AND MOVABLES. If a preceptor of these Orders should wish to buy an immovable property on this side of the sea or in Cyprus worth less than 1,000 Saracen besants, he should notify the local superiors of the other Orders, who should not try to hinder or change that deed. But if any commander wishes to buy on this side of the Sea or in Cyprus any immovable worth more than 1,000 Saracen besants and has notified the others as above, such a purchase can be shared, if the Order is willing. Exceptions are fiefs (feudales), censive lands (censivi) and lordships, in which cases the other Orders cannot have or require anything. If indeed any such immovables purchased should border on the property of another Order, in which brothers reside, it should be surrendered for the same price to the Order with a community nearer to the purchase. If a commander of one of these Orders wishes to buy any movables in the city of Acre, to meet the needs of his house, the commanders of the other Orders should not, after they have been notified, interfere or hinder that purchase, but once it has been completed the commander who bought it should ask the commanders of the other Orders if they would like a share in it, up to a third, and the commander is held to surrender that part of the purchase for the amount it cost him, except in the cases of mules, horses, camels and donkeys, and all live animals, which any commander can buy as he wishes. Any alms-gift or donation be made to any of the three Orders out of censive properties, borgesies (borgesiae) or lordships (signoria) belonging to the other Orders or of any goods dependent on the same, should be sold within a year to a lay man who is subject to the lordship of the Order to whose possession this property relates, so that the Order to which service is owed cannot be cheated of the service due to it. If any of our Orders has been entrusted with the goods of anyone, whether he be a confrater or another, and another Order or the [preceptor] of another Order seizes or has seized the aforesaid goods, the preceptor of the Order to which the goods have been entrusted should seek amends or satisfaction from the preceptor of the other Order, who should surrender them and make amends to the preceptor who raised the issue, according to procedures already laid down. If it should happen that any men, who are subject to any of the three Orders should quarrel among themselves over movable possessions or for any other reason, the preceptores are held to quieten and pacify the disputes and quarrels, according to procedures already laid down, with the exception of disputes about liegemen (homines legii) and feudatories (feudati), which should be terminated according to the assises and customs of the places where they live. If the men subject to one Order come to settle on the land of another, the bailivus from whose bailiva the men came should let the bailivus of the other Order know within eight days of this coming to his notice. If these men are proved to be subject to the second Order, through testimony secured by the vow of obedience of a brother or by the oath of a scriba, let the law take its course according to the usage of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, and in the land of Antioch and in Armenia and Cyprus following the approved custom of those lands. In the land of Tripoli, if after examination of the men their desertion has been proved, the men who moved to the lands of another Order should be arrested. And if any of them owe debts to the Order to which they were originally subject, the bailivi of both Orders should meet within eight days and if the debts are proved by testimony secured by the religious promise of a brother or by the oath of a scriba or a servant, the Order in possession of the land to which the men went should pay the debts within the following month if it wishes these men to remain on its land and its bailivus wants to keep them. But if he refuses to retain them, they ought to be arrested until the debt owed to the Order in possession of the land they left is paid. If the men refuse to pay, they, their families and possessions should be handed over to the bailiff of the Order in possession of the land they left. OTHER MATTERS. And we are led to state for the good of Christianity that the brothers of one house or their men cannot and should not assume arms and bear them against the other Orders. Brothers who absent themselves, are held to defend their confratres. The question of the claims of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem to the obedience of the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans is not covered in this agreement. In future no brother should aim to buy, gage or exchange or acquire any property in the lordship of one of the other Orders. PRESERVATION OF THE AGREEMENT. Above all, it is ordained that if any new master should be elected in any of the Orders, the newly created master should be held to abide by this agreement, and he is held to have this agreement recited in his chapter-general in the presence of twelve brothers of the other two Orders; and he should swear to observe this agreement and to see that it is observed. And the three masters and their successors ought to have this agreement read and recited each year in our chapters-general and ought to order and command the brothers that it should be observed by all. Whenever preceptores and castellani are made on this side of the Sea and in Cyprus they should make a similar oath and they should make other preceptores, castellani and bailivi subject to them swear to observe this agreement and treaty inviolably and faithfully. The penalty for non-observance will be 1,000 marchae argenti. Witnesses: Jacobus Dei gratia patriarcha Ierosolymitanus, apostolice sedis legatus; lord John of Ibelin (dominus Iohannes de Ybellino) dominus Azoti, constabulus et baiulus regni Ierosolymitani; dominus Gaufridus de Sarginis senescalcus eiusdem regni; dominus Iohannes de Valentinis dominus Cayfe; dominus Stephanus de Savignino; magister Guillelmus, deacon of Acre (decanus Acconensis) and archdeacon of Tyre (et archidiaconus Tyrensis); and many others.
October 9. Acre. In the house of [the canons of the] Holy Sepulchre. At the will of their brothers and of Pope Alexander IV, Frater Thomas Berardi, domus milicie Templi magister, frater Hugo de Revel, domus hospitalis sancti Iohannis Ierosolimitani et pauperum Christi custos, and frater Anno de... more
sources: Strehlke, Tabulae, pp. 98-103, no. 116; cf. Mayer, UKJ 3:1409-11, no. 807; RRH 1269
year: 1258
text: October 10. Acre. Frater Thomas Berardi, pauperis Militie Templi magister, records under seal that he has received in an agreement the church of St Giles in Acre from Felix prior et rector ecclesie sancti Egidii Acconensis, who is going to Rome on church business; for a rent of 60 libre Turonenses, payable to [Felix] at Michaelmas by the treasury of the Knights Templar in Paris until the case between dominus Felix and Jacobus clericus Anconitanus is terminated.
October 10. Acre. Frater Thomas Berardi, pauperis Militie Templi magister, records under seal that he has received in an agreement the church of St Giles in Acre from Felix prior et rector ecclesie sancti Egidii Acconensis, who is going to Rome on church business; for a rent of 60 libre Turonenses... more
sources: Urban IV, Les Registres 1:81, no. 193; RRH 1269a
year: 1258
text: October 1 – 31. (or 1259). With the advice and authority of his convent Thomas Berart maistre de la chevalerie dou Temple records under seal that he has granted safe conduct under Templar custody to the following lords: Henri seignor de Gibeleth; Guillaume seigneur de Botron; Mellior seigneur de Maraclée; les enfans Bertran de Gibeleth; Jehan mareschau de Triple; Jehan Pharabel seigneur dou Pui; Hugue Saleman; Thomas Arra; Raimont de Mareclee; Baudoin de Mont Olif; Johan visconte de Triple; Ingue Embriac; Gui dou Patriarche; Raimont de Vedde; Johan de Flaencort; Bertran Faisan; Piere Loup; Phelippe Estomac; Hue de Mareclée; Piere de la Tor; Johan d’Arches; and Jaques de Thabore; together with their homes and heirs. When in dispute with the prince [of Antioch-Tripoli], the Knights Templar commit themselves to this protection and to restraining the prince for the next 5 years, commencing in the previous May, establishing the terms under which their custody would operate. Guarantors: Frere Recelins de Fox; frere Jofroiz de Fox; frere Amblarz; frere Amfox Gomes compagnon dou maistre; frere Martins Senchens; Gilebert Alboini.
October 1 – 31. (or 1259). With the advice and authority of his convent Thomas Berart maistre de la chevalerie dou Temple records under seal that he has granted safe conduct under Templar custody to the following lords: Henri seignor de Gibeleth; Guillaume seigneur de Botron; Mellior seigneur de... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Les Archives, pp. 181-84, no. 79; RRH 1201. Wrongly dated 1252 in the printed edition – Thomas Berard was not yet master. Jean Richard, ‘Le comté de Tripoli dans les chartes du fonds des Porcellet’, p. 354 n.3 proposes 1258 or 1259 as the correct date.