year: 1206
initiator: Iohannes de Ibelino Beriti dominus
recipient: Iohannes Tortus
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: May 1. Acre. Iohannes de Ybelino domnus Beriti et regni Ierosolimitani baiulus records how Iohannes Tortus came into his presence, and that of the High Court [regalis curia] and asked of Iohannes de Ybelino and the vassals [homines] of the Lady Maria, regni honorabilis domna, licence to sell his house in Acre to settle his debts. After taking counsel from the vassals of the Lady [Maria], Iohannes de Ybelino judged that the licence could not be granted. On the response of Iohannes Tortus that he would have to sell either his fief [feodum] or his house to pay his debts, the court decided to change its decision and permit Iohannes Tortus to sell his house in order to retain his fief. And so, in the presence of the baiulus Iohannes de Ybelino, who sealed the charter, and of the High Court [regalis curia] and with the agreement of Maria, the wife of Iohannes Tortus, his sister Beatrix and her husband Willelmus de Monliart, Iohannes Tortus sold his house to the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans in Acre for 2700 Saracen besants. The house is bordered on the east by the houses of Mt Tabor and of Beloais, the royal way [via regia] and the houses that belonged to Petrus Bordin, on the west, by the house of Bonefrage filius Sahit, the rua Judeorum, the house of the Jews and the stable [stabulum] of Renerius scriptor, on the north by the house of Maria, the wife of the late priest of the church of St Mary Magdalene, and on the south by the royal way [via regia] and the house held by domna Hauhis of Iohannes Tortus. In return for her agreement to the surrender of this house, the brothers of the Hospital of St Mary have given Hauhis 300 Saracen besants and 2 marchae argenti. The Lady Maria has had 200 besants from the brothers of the Hospital for her agreement to the sale. Witnesses: Aymarus Cesariensis regni mariscalcus; comes Bertholdus; Vilanus de Alneto; Philippus de Ibelino; Garnerus Alamannus; Galterius Cesariensis; Gormundus de Bethan; Aymo Dais; Adam Coste; Thomas vicecomes Acconensis. The charter was drawn up by domnus Radulfus Acconensis dechanus regnique cancellarius.
May 1. Acre. Iohannes de Ybelino domnus Beriti et regni Ierosolimitani baiulus records how Iohannes Tortus came into his presence, and that of the High Court [regalis curia] and asked of Iohannes de Ybelino and the vassals [homines] of the Lady Maria, regni honorabilis domna, licence to sell his... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 3:1061, 1346-51, nos. 644, 772 (RRH no. 812)
year: 1221
initiator: Iohannes de Ibelino Beriti dominus
recipient: Venetians
text: Dec. 1-24. Johannes de Ibilino Beryty dominus makes a sealed grant to the Venetians. They are freed from all dues [ius et consuetudo] on all goods they import through the cathena of Beirut and send to Beirut and on all merchandise they buy in the funda of Beirut. All Venetian ships [uasella] importing or exporting merchandise will be exempt from [the payment of] terciaria and all Venetian ships will be exempt from the payment of ancoragia. The Venetians are given a free curia in Beirut, with the reservation to the lord of cases of homicide, force and pillage [rapina]. Other Venetians will not suffer if any Venetian commits piracy at sea against the homines of Johannes. Venetian goods will be secure in cases of shipwreck. Witnesses: Rainaldus de Mimars; Thomas de Retel; Matheus de Nefin; Terricus Breiban; Symon Grimaud; Henricus Pernigre; Girardus Liece.
Dec. 1-24. Johannes de Ibilino Beryty dominus makes a sealed grant to the Venetians. They are freed from all dues [ius et consuetudo] on all goods they import through the cathena of Beirut and send to Beirut and on all merchandise they buy in the funda of Beirut. All Venetian ships [uasella]... more
sources: Marsilio Zorzi, pp. 182-3 (RRH no. 951)
year: 1221
initiator: Iohannes de Ibelino Beriti dominus
recipient: Genoese
text: Nov. 1-30. Iohannes de Ibelino Beryti dominus makes a sealed grant to all Genoese, represented by dominus Philippus Embriac and dominus Amicus Streiaporc, consules in terra Syrie. He gives freedom from the payment of dues [ius et consuetudo] on all goods they import and export through the cathena of Beirut and send or have sent to Beirut. They will be free from the payment of all dues on their purchases in the funda of Beirut and from the payment of terciaria on all ships [vasella] carrying goods they have bought in the funda. No Genoese ship applying to Beirut need pay ancoragia. He gives the Genoese a free court [curia libera] in Beirut, with the same rights as those enjoyed by their courts in Acre, Tyre and the kingdom of Jerusalem. He confirms their possession of houses that had belonged to Rubaldus Corvus, which ought to be in the state they were in on the last Feast of St Barbara [4 December]. The Genoese may use the bath house before the castle of Beirut on Thursday every week. The Genoese in general will not suffer if one of their compatriots commits an act of piracy against Iohannes or his homines. The goods on Genoese ships wrecked on the coast of the lordship of Beirut will be secure. Witnesses: Reinaldus de Mimars; Thomas de Orteli; Terricus Breiban; Climens de Gibelli, Matheus de Nefin; Girardus Liece; Gauterius Hardel; Henricus Lepingre; Symon Grimaud.
Nov. 1-30. Iohannes de Ibelino Beryti dominus makes a sealed grant to all Genoese, represented by dominus Philippus Embriac and dominus Amicus Streiaporc, consules in terra Syrie. He gives freedom from the payment of dues [ius et consuetudo] on all goods they import and export through the cathena... more
sources: Rovere and Puncuh, I Libri 1/2:174-6, no. 349 (RRH no. 950)
RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1222
initiator: Iohannes de Ibelino Beriti dominus
recipient: Venetians
text: Jun. 1-31. At the request of Andreas Michaelis, the emissary of Pietro Ziani, the doge of Venice, Johannes de Ibilino Birity dominus confirms under seal that the Venetians are freed from all dues [ius et consuetudo] on all goods they import through the catena of Beirut and send to Beirut and on all merchandise they buy in the funda of Beirut. They can buy in the city of Beirut without payment of dues cotton [banbacium], silk [seta] and worked silk, pepper, incense, sugar and all spices, indigo and ‘nerçi’, and all dyes, wool and cloth [opera lana], flax and linen [opera lini], pearls and stones, glass and soap. All their vessels [vaselli] exporting merchandise from the funda and the city of Beirut are freed from the payment of terciaria and they will pay no dues on goods they export through the cathena of Beirut. All Venetian vessels are freed from the payment of ancoragia. The Venetians are granted a free curia, with cases of homicide, force and pillage reserved for the lord. Their goods will be secure in shipwreck. Venetian merchants in Beirut will not suffer if any Venetian commits piracy against Johannes or his homines. The Venetians may dispose of and send to Venice the goods of a Venetian who dies, even if he has not made a will; and in the absence of any other Venetians, Johannes will inform the doge and dispose of the goods as the doge thinks fit. Witnesses: Rainerius de Mimars; Simon Jopensis; Thomas de Retel; Girardus Leece; Tercius Breban; Climens de Gibelin; Baldoinus de Gibelin; Simon Grimaud; Mattheus de Nesin.
Jun. 1-31. At the request of Andreas Michaelis, the emissary of Pietro Ziani, the doge of Venice, Johannes de Ibilino Birity dominus confirms under seal that the Venetians are freed from all dues [ius et consuetudo] on all goods they import through the catena of Beirut and send to Beirut and on all... more
sources: Tafel and Thomas, Urkunden 2:232-4, no. 262 (RRH no. 957)
year: 1223
initiator: Iohannes de Ibelino Beriti dominus
recipient: Genoese
text: May 1-31. In the presence of dominus Hugo Ferrarius and dominus Hugo Fornarius, [Genoese] consules in terra Syria, Iohannes de Ibelino Beriti dominus modifies under seal the grant he had previously made to the Genoese [Nov. 1-30 1221]. He confirms their freedom from the payment of dues [ius et consuetudo] on all goods they import and export to and from Beirut, although he limits this to those brought and taken out by sea. He now excludes all pottery [excepto omni opere porterie], wine and oil, which will now be subject to measuring and will be charged either at 1 denarius for every 5 iarri Beritenses, or, if the mensurator ville is involved, at 2 denarii for every 5 iarri, and wheat [bladum], which will be charged at 1 denarius for every 2 modii. He confirms the freedom for Genoese ships [vasella], great and small, from the payment of terciaria and ancoragia. He confirms the right of the Genoese to have a free court [curia libera] in Beirut, with the same rights as those enjoyed by their courts in Acre, Tyre and the kingdom of Jerusalem. He confirms their possession of houses that had belonged to Rubaldus Corvus, adding that the Genoese may improve them, and their use of the bath house before the castle of Beirut on Thursday every week. He gives the right to an oven. He repeats that the Genoese in general will not suffer if one of their compatriots commits an act of piracy against Iohannes or his homines and that the goods on Genoese ships wrecked on the coast of the lordship of Beirut will be secure. Witnesses: Reinaldus de Mimars; Symon Iopensis; Bartholomeus falconarius; Thome de Retel; Clemens de Gibelin; Baldoinus de Gibelin; Hugo de Maçarea; Henricus Lepingre; Galterius Haldel; Guillelmus Harneis; Matheus de Nephyn; Symon Grimaud; Guillelmus de Malembec; Girardus Liece.
May 1-31. In the presence of dominus Hugo Ferrarius and dominus Hugo Fornarius, [Genoese] consules in terra Syria, Iohannes de Ibelino Beriti dominus modifies under seal the grant he had previously made to the Genoese [Nov. 1-30 1221]. He confirms their freedom from the payment of dues [ius et... more
sources: Rovere and Puncuh, I Libri 1/2:176-9, no. 350 (RRH no. 963)
year: 1223
initiator: Iohannes de Ibelino Beriti dominus
recipient: Commune of Marseille
text: Sept. 22. Iohannes de Ybelino dominus Berithi makes a sealed grant to the commune of Marseille. He gives all members of the commune who arrive at the port of Beirut in their ships [naves] or in other vessels [vaiselli] from overseas or Greece [Romania] or from along the Levantine coast [riparia] the freedom to import their goods into Beirut, to sell them, and to export whatever they buy in the funda of Beirut without the payment of dues [sine iura et costuma]. He also gives them the right to have a curia, which can deal with cases involving disputes between themselves and the members of other communes, but he reserves those involving homicide or the spilling of blood. Witnesses (who are all milites): dominus Rainaldus de Mimras; dominus Thomas de Ratel; domnus Clemens castellanus Berithi; domnus Bauduinus de Gibelino; domnus Bauduinus de Rape; domnus Henricus le Pingre; domnus Huguo de Mimras. The charter was written by W. Rostaig magister puerorum domni Rainaldi de Mimars.
Sept. 22. Iohannes de Ybelino dominus Berithi makes a sealed grant to the commune of Marseille. He gives all members of the commune who arrive at the port of Beirut in their ships [naves] or in other vessels [vaiselli] from overseas or Greece [Romania] or from along the Levantine coast [riparia]... more
sources: Mayer, Marseilles Levantehandel, pp. 191-2, no. 8 (RRH no. 965)
year: 1226
initiator: Iohannes de Ibelino Beriti dominus
recipient: Dominus G. Brisebarre, once Berriti dominus
institution: Leprosary of Saint Lazarus
text: Mar. 1-31. Johannes de Hibelino/Ibelino Berriti dominus confirms under seal the gift made by dominus G. Brisebarre, once Berriti dominus, to the leprosary of St Lazarus of Jerusalem of an annual rent of 10 Saracen besants, assigned on the revenues of the port of Beirut. Because there was no date for the annual payment stipulated in the original charter, Johannes establishes it as Easter. Witnesses: R. de Mimars; Thomas de Retel; Girardus Liece; Clemens de Gibelin; Baldouinus de Gibelin; Henricus Pingre; Guillelmus Arneis.
Mar. 1-31. Johannes de Hibelino/Ibelino Berriti dominus confirms under seal the gift made by dominus G. Brisebarre, once Berriti dominus, to the leprosary of St Lazarus of Jerusalem of an annual rent of 10 Saracen besants, assigned on the revenues of the port of Beirut. Because there was no date... more
sources: Marsy, ‘Cart St Lazare’, p. 150, no. 33 (RRH no. 977)
year: 1232
initiator: Iohannes de Ibelino Beriti dominus
recipient: Knights Templar
institution: Templars
text: *Mid May. Johan d’Ybelin [the younger] sells a casale called Arames to the Knights Templar for 15000 besants.
*Mid May. Johan d’Ybelin [the younger] sells a casale called Arames to the Knights Templar for 15000 besants.
sources: ‘L’Estoire de Eracles’, p. 398
year: 1232
initiator: Iohannes de Ibelino Beriti dominus
recipient: Guérin, master of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Apr. 18. Acre. Sale made by Johannes de Ybellino, the son of the late dominus Phelippus Ybellini [in the presence of?] Stephanus Berterius vicecomes Sidoniensis [Acconensis?] to frater Gerinus domus Hospitalis sancti Johannis Jherusalem magister of houses in the ruga Veteris Regine. These face houses of the Hospital of St John. The deed was drawn up by Stephanus de Valentia notarius vicecomitis Acconensis. [347]
*Apr. 18. Acre. Sale made by Johannes de Ybellino, the son of the late dominus Phelippus Ybellini [in the presence of?] Stephanus Berterius vicecomes Sidoniensis [Acconensis?] to frater Gerinus domus Hospitalis sancti Johannis Jherusalem magister of houses in the ruga Veteris Regine. These face... more
sources: Mayer, Von der Cour des Bourgeois, pp. 249-51, no. 10 (RRH no. 1036a)
RRR: Correspondence/envoy
year: 1232
initiator: Iohannes de Ibelino Beriti dominus
recipient: Balian de Saete, Johan de Cesaire other friends and the Commune of Acre
text: *Early in year. Johan d’Ybelin sends his vallet called Droin to Acre with letters for Balian de Saete, Johan de Cesaire other friends and the Commune of Acre, appealing for aid against the imperial forces which are besieging Beirut.
*Early in year. Johan d’Ybelin sends his vallet called Droin to Acre with letters for Balian de Saete, Johan de Cesaire other friends and the Commune of Acre, appealing for aid against the imperial forces which are besieging Beirut.
sources: ‘L’Estoire de Eracles’, pp. 393-4