year: 1159
initiator: Arnaldus Dominici Sepulcri prior
recipient: Burgenses of Mahumeria
institution: Holy Sepulchre
text: 1158 - 1159. Arnaldus Dominici Sepulcri prior, with the agreement of his chapter, records exchanges made at Mahumeria with certain burgenses of the village [villa]. (1). An agreement made with Guibertus Papasius, with the consent of his wife Usanna, in which he exchanges the vineyard next to the cemetery and church of Mons Gaudii, inherited by Usanna, for a part [pars] at the far end [extrema pars] of the great vineyard that is next to the upper road [via superior] and adjoins another vineyard belonging to Guibertus on which he owes decima et terraticum. Tithes will be owed on Guibertus’s acquisition. [2]. An agreement with Gauterius Carpentarius, who exchanges a vineyard adjoining the one that had belonged to Guibertus Papasius for a vineyard in another part of the great vineyard, next to the high road [magna via], for which he will owe tithes. (3). An agreement with Ainardus Cavallom, who exchanges part of a vineyard, next to that which had belonged to Gauterius Carpentarius for another part of a vineyard in the great vineyard, this also being next to that of Gauterius Carpentarius. Tithes will be paid. Ainardus, impelled by poverty and having nothing with which to feed and bring up his wife and children, has sold this part to Martinus Carpentarius of Mons Gaudii for 26 besants with the consent of his lord and the court [curia]. (4). An agreement with the daughters of Pontius Faverius and their husbands. They exchange 30 jugera of cultivated land in the territory of Kalandria, owing decima et terraticum, for 2 petiae of a vineyard in valle Sancte Marie, one of 4 jugera, the other of 2 jugera, which had belonged to frater Petrus de Rametis, for which they will give tertia et decima. (5). The prior gives Stephanus Pastinace the vineyard that had belonged to frater Arnaldus on condition that he cultivates the wasteland and pays medietas et decima annually. (6) An agreement made with Helyas and Amicus, his relation [gener], in which they exchange part of their garden which is next to the berquilium, for a pars of uncultivated land that had come to the canons in their agreement with Robertus de Retest and adjoins land belonging to Helyas. (7). An agreement with the hospitale at Mahumeria in which the hospitale exchanges part of a garden that stretches between the berquilia of the Holy Sepulchre and the hospitale for 2 jugera of the vineyard that had belonged to frater Stephanus Ortalis. Tithe will be owed for this. (8). Frater Robertus Porcarius gave himself and all his possessions to the Holy Sepulchre [on becoming a confrater]. This was confirmed at Mahumeria by domnus A. prior, assisted by the burgenses of the village [villa] in plenarie curie, to whom Robertus handed a staff [baculum], giving everything to the Holy Sepulchre. Robertus enumerated his possessions, specifying land next to that of Robertus Ungarus, which had been given by Prior Giraldus to him and his wife, previously married to Umbertus, but which he had abandoned because he had not been able to cultivate it; some adjoining land given by Prior Petrus, who later became archbishop of Tyre, to Robertus in an exchange for land he had bought from Galterius Bela; and land nearby which Prior P. had given and on which was owed terraticum et decimam. (9). Prior Arnaldus and domnus Robertus de Retest came to Mahumeria and agreed on the boundaries of their respective territories. They chose an elderly Sarracenus called Pes Tortus, a homo rusticus of Robertus, to provide evidence of the boundary. This survey took place in the presence of the following canons of the Holy Sepulchre: domnus Petrus elemosinarius; domnus Bernardus Antiochenus; frater Pisanus; Petrus Judaeus; Johannes interpres; Arbertus; Stephanus. The son of the aforesaid Robertus [de Retest] was also present.
1158 - 1159. Arnaldus Dominici Sepulcri prior, with the agreement of his chapter, records exchanges made at Mahumeria with certain burgenses of the village [villa]. (1). An agreement made with Guibertus Papasius, with the consent of his wife Usanna, in which he exchanges the vineyard next to the... more
sources: Bresc-Bautier, Cart St-SĂ©pulcre, pp. 244-7, no. 121 (RRH no. 340)